IR Web cam |
Overview: CCD sensors are highly sensitive to in the IR range, however during camera assembly an infrared cut filter (ICF) is attached to the lens to filter out IR, thereby producing pictures that represent only the visible range of the spectrum. By removing the ICF from the lens, and adding an infrared filter to attenuate visible light, it is possible to obtain IR images in the short wavelength part of the IR spectrum |
Web Cam:
Components: Web cam is disassembled to remove ICF. |
Main Board: Lens is unscrewed from board. CCD sensor is located beneath the lens. |
Lens: Lens is removed from main board. The ICF is the blue glass square glued to the back of the lens. |
ICF Removal: ICF is pried off lens with a small screw driver. |
Lens: ICF is removed, allowing IR to reach the CCD sensor. |
IR Modified Web cam: Web cam is now capable of imaging IR. |
IR Filter: IR filter is added, blocking visible light. |
Image Differences: Differences in recorded imaged with different filters.
Hi Temperature Ceramic: A high alumina rod is superheated with a Mapp gas flame. |
Cooling Wire: Cooling process of a heated wire. |
By attempting to reproduce any experiments or devices listed on this domain in part or in whole, you agree to hold me harmless against any lawsuit or liability. Copyright © 1998 - 2005 by Andrew Seltzman. All rights reserved. |
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